FRISTART2 – « Organising and promoting energy to kick start activity »
The FRISTART2 project aims to stimulate and support the creation and growth of innovative start-ups in the Franco-Italian cross-border area, especially for companies operating in the priority sectors of the INTERREG Maritimo programme (renewable energies, green and blue biotechnologies, sustainable tourism and water sports).
FRISTART2 leads on from the FRISTART project by providing services to companies that are still starting up: support for engineering days, support for companies aiming to develop overseas and especially within the Franco-Italian cooperation zone.
CDE Petra Patrimonia is the partner of the Région Sud project that focusses on the Var and the Alpes Maritimes.
This project will select at least 4 start-ups in the Région Sud and provide them with consulting and engineering services in the following areas:
- Seed grants and risk financing: diagnosing needs, help looking for funding, etc.
- Internationalisation: getting in contact with entrepreneurs and mentors in other countries, identifying markets/clients/partners abroad, etc.
- Digitising operations and digital communication
- Sustainable development strategies and environmental management
- Innovation and intellectual property protection strategies
The project is funded by the Italy-France Maritime Territorial Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 (ERDF co-financing €459,000, total budget €540,000).
Target audiences
- Business creators
- Start-ups in business for under 2 years (3 years for companies created from innovation)
- Project-specific field experts
Planned activities
- Developing a catalogue of services and experts in the fields mentioned above
- Selecting start-ups in the cross-border area to provide with engineering services and internationalisation support within the project
- Implementing support services
- Organising a “FRISTART CUP” to help winning companies participate in a major international trade fair in their business sectors.
- Incubateur Pont-Tech (chef de file – Toscane)
- FILSE – Agence de Développement Économique de la Ligurie
- INIZIA – Incubateur d’entreprises innovantes (Corse)
- CDE Petra Patrimonia
About : http://interreg-maritime.eu/web/fri_start2 http://www.fristart.eu/fr/