The INNOFARMING project aims to develop innovative European training tools in urban farming for professionals and future professionals in this sector which is rapidly emerging at the European level.
« Urban farming » relates to any farming activity that is done in an urban or peri-urban setting. This can be old practices, such as individual or collective gardening (working gardens) or more recent ones, such as shared gardens, vertical crops, rooftop crops, etc.
This sector is on the rise both worldwide and on the European level.
INNOFARMING is supported as part of the « Vocational training strategic partnership » section of the ERASMUS + programme.
It started on 1 October 2019 and is expected to end on 30 September 2021.
Target audiences
The beneficiaries of the project are:
- Teachers and trainers in the agricultural and food-production sectors
- Students in vocational training in these sectors
- New entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial project leaders who want to expand in the urban farming sector
- Support organisations for these new entrepreneurs (incubators, cooperatives or any support organisation involved in urban farming, etc.)
- Local governments because they need a better understanding of the issues linked to developing urban farming and can promote the support tools on offer
- Citizen organisations (local NGOs, neighbourhood associations, consumer associations) as space users and potential prescribers or consumers
Planned activities
- Methodology, training content and supporting tools to train target audiences
- An online training platform based on the methodology developed and created as an open educational resource This platform must enable target groups to learn both with the help of trainers and by themselves
- A European network for all relevant stakeholders in urban farming
The project is implemented with financial support from the European Union through the Erasmus+ Agency and in partnership with:
- CDE Petra Patrimonia (chef de file) – France www.cde-petrapatrimonia.com
- Université de Bologne – Italie www.unibo.it
- Université de Saragosse – Espagne https://ia2.unizar.es/
- BEUFA (Gouvernance de Kocaeli Bureau de l’UE et des relations extérieures) – Turquie http://www.kocaeliab.gov.tr
Ce projet est financé avec le soutien de la Commission européenne dans le cadre du programme ERASMUS +. Cette publication n’engage que son auteur et la Commission n’est pas responsable de l’usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qui y sont contenues.