The INVITRA project is funded by the INTERREG Marittimo programme and aims to create a cross-border virtual incubator to help entrepreneurs set up cooperative and innovative enterprises between the PACA region, Corsica, Sardinia, Liguria and Tuscany.


COE PETRA PATRIMONIA is the only partner for the PACA region, within a partnership of 8 social economy and economic development stakeholders from the cooperation zone and is led by the Ligurian Union of Chambers of Commerce (Union Camere Liguria).


The project started in December 2016 and is expected to last for 2 years.



Main planned actions:

1. Creating a virtual platform to support entrepreneurs setting up businesses in order to provide advice and resources in the following areas:

  • Priority economic sectors to develop the territory: shipbuilding, green and blue economy, tourism, energy efficiency, etc.
  • How can we make ideas into businesses?
  • Legal, tax, social and financial aspects of setting up businesses and especially cooperatives
  • New developments of funding start-up companies
  • Supporting partner networking with a particular focus on increasing cross-border economic cooperation.


2. Tailored support to draft cooperative enterprise business plans and assist with launches.

The INVITRA project’s keywords are : share, cooperate, growing together !


To know more : /

Soon : the projet’s website INVITRA

To know more about Marittimo IT-FR program:


This project is funded with the support of the European Commission as part of the ERASMUS + programme
This publication is only binding on its author and the Commission is not responsible for any actions that may be made with the information contained herein.