Revamping employment and social integration of Mediterranean youth through sustainable development


The RESMYLE project is being implemented from 1 September 2019 to 30 August 2022; its objective is to revamp employment and social integration of Mediterranean youth through sustainable development, taking 2 important aspects into consideration:

  • The increasing difficulty of youth vocational integration, especially young people between 15 and 24 years old who are on training programmes or in school or employment (NEETS) in the Mediterranean
  • The growing challenges of environmental protection in the Mediterranean and the new opportunities that this can create due to the lack of skills in several areas: waste, recycling, mobility, risk prevention, etc.



Areas of intervention

  • Environmental education by training youth leaders about integrating sustainable development into social-inclusion programmes (raising awareness, career projects, etc.) and supporting youth mobilisation projects about the environment
  • Practical training through intercultural field training for young people, capitalising methods of organising and conducting intercultural educational workshops for social workers and in schools on sustainable development as well as organising intercultural mobility work within environmental NGOs.
  • Helping entrepreneurs set up businesses by establishing eco-incubators that will support eco-innovative projects with training and monitor eco-entrepreneurs.


The beneficiaries of the project are:

  • 700 NEETS
  • 300 young graduates looking for work in the field of sustainable development
  • 100 social and youth workers
  • 25 Mediterranean stakeholders who are committed to environmental issues



The project is implemented with financial backing from the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) of Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) within the Mediterranean Basin, in partnership with:

  • CFLC : Consorzio Formazione Lavoro e Cooperazione Società Cooperativa, Gênes – Italie
  • AMESCI : Associazione Di Promozione Sociale, Naples – Italie
  • Union APARE-CME : Union Association pour la Participation et l’Action Régionale – Centre Méditerranéen de l’Environnement, L’Isle sur la Sorgue – France
  • ADR : Association d’Aide au Développement Rural, Beyrouth – Liban
  • AERE : Association d’Education Relative à l’Environnement d’Hammamet, Hammamet – Tunisie
  • JCI : Jeune Chambre Economique de Tunisie, Tunis – Tunisie
  • ISSTE : Institut Supérieur des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement de Borj Cedria, Ben Arous, Tunisie
  • JUST : Jordan University of Sciences and Technology, Irbid – Jordan





The first RESMYLE newsletter is available in French, Arabic, English and Italian.