Le projet FRISTART2 vise à stimuler et à soutenir la création et la croissance de start-ups innovantes dans la zone transfrontalière franco-italienne, en particulier celles qui interviennent dans les secteurs prioritaires du programme INTERREG Maritimo (Energies renouvelables, Biotechnologies vertes et bleues, Tourisme durable, Nautisme)....

COCODE entend renforcer la compétitivité des entreprises de la zone de coopération par l’animation, le développement de services capables de promouvoir, d’attirer et de générer des investissements et de nouvelles expériences d’affaires dans les filières prioritaires à l’échelle de la zone transfrontalière....

Le projet MED EDUC a été créé suite au constat l’absence d’outils éducatifs spécifiquement liés à la découverte de l’environnement en Mer Méditerranée qui abordent les enjeux environnementaux à l’échelle transnationale et interculturelle, les partenaires du projet MED EDUC ont choisi de mettre en place...

  The cooperative support of innovative rural enterprise project in the PACA region answers the need to consolidate and sustain new projects to set up businesses in rural areas which are geared toward developing or emerging fields of activity in the rural territories of the PACA...

  The INNOFARMING project aims to develop innovative European training tools in urban farming for professionals and future professionals in this sector which is rapidly emerging at the European level.   "Urban farming" relates to any farming activity that is done in an urban or peri-urban setting. This...

The INVITRA project is funded by the INTERREG Marittimo programme and aims to create a cross-border virtual incubator to help entrepreneurs set up cooperative and innovative enterprises between the PACA region, Corsica, Sardinia, Liguria and Tuscany.   COE PETRA PATRIMONIA is the only partner for the PACA...

OPERA – “Organising and Promoting Energy to Restart Activity” The O.P.E.R.A. project aims to promote employment by supporting sole traders, microenterprises and social entrepreneurship within priority cross-border channels linked to blue and green growth: sustainable tourism, new energy, eco-activities, blue economy, etc. The project aims to...

    To try and promote sustainable development of local areas, the “Jeunes à Bord” project proposes an innovative sponsorship programme so that fishermen who are either retired or about to retire can have the chance to train up young people to take over their fishing boats.   The...

  Revamping employment and social integration of Mediterranean youth through sustainable development   The RESMYLE project is being implemented from 1 September 2019 to 30 August 2022; its objective is to revamp employment and social integration of Mediterranean youth through sustainable development, taking 2 important aspects into consideration: ...